Chemical prevention with permethrin

Permetrhin-based chemicals eradicate infesting insects by contact.

RGI bioSteryl Tech

An engineering company specialized in consultancy, services and sales of certified products for the protection of cultural heritage.

Chemical prevention with permethrin

Innovative and natural products such as the VELOXY®method are key elements of our company’s success as well as a distinguishing factor in the pest control scenario.

However, when the disinfestation applies to floors, cover beams, and wooden fixtures and the work of art can’t be moved, the anoxic treatment is much more expensive and complex.

These are the case when we resort to alternative methodologies such as microwaves and the application of a specific wood chemical containing permethrin applied by brush or spray.

Permethrin-based treatments

Permetrhin-based chemicals eradicate infesting insects by contact: this active ingredient is successful against woodworm and other human pests and parasites, such as lice, cockroaches, termites, ants, and small rodents, and has low toxicity to people and animals, with the exception of felines.

Using permethrin-based chemicals allows us to lower the infestation level and sometimes eradicate it for good, especially when the treatment is repeated over years.

The product applied guarantees the elimination of pests by contact; if the pest is not killed in the innermost layers of the wood, it can still be eliminated when it reaches the outermost layers soaked with the active ingredient.

The effectiveness of the product also depends on the type of surface on which it is applied: a painted surface has a shallow capacity to absorb the product, while raw wood has the highest total for absorption.

After the anoxic or microwave treatment, permethrin can be applied to protect the work from infestations in the following years.

Permethrin-based chemicals

For years we’ve been successfully using Permetar®, a ready-to-use product where the active ingredient is certified by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure  and by the Istituto per la Ricerca sul Legno in Florence and already diluted in petrol.

Permethar® woodworm remover

Permethar, which has been developed to last for years, is particularly suitable for works of art. It’s basically colorless, odorless, with a low capability to alter possible pigmentation when in contact with the work of art: our long experience with Permethar highlights a slight characteristic scent -in the case of abundant application – which vanishes in a short time.

Xilix gel woodworm remover

Xilix gel, formerly known as Sarp gel, contains permethrin, the same Permethar active ingredient in a slightly higher concentration with a jelly-like consistency and a whitish color; it can be applied in thicker layers, thus remaining longer in contact with the wood surfaces for better absorption.

Its special jelly-like consistency is ideal for vertical surfaces or ceilings as it doesn’t drip by gravity.

However, the use of Xilix necessarily requires cleaning of surfaces after its application.

Xilix gel, even when abundantly applied, has a less intense odor than Permetar® in oil. Xilix gel has been recognized by the French institute FCBA , an autonomous body that has awarded Xilix woodworm remover CTB-P+ certification.

Application of permethrin on surfaces

The application of permethrin on surfaces is the most critical step in the pest control treatment, given that only a skilled application guarantees the greatest soaking effect on wood.

Permethrin has been applied in the gel formula onto vertical layers and ceilings thanks to the advantages its consistency offers, while we generally employ the high-pressure spray technique with Permethar® on huge surfaces.

Depending on the works of art or the accuracy of the job, we cherry-pick the application technique: brush, spray or high-pressure style

Permethrin collateral effects

Permethrin, the active ingredient in Permethar and Xilix-gel has a low toxic level for humans and mammals but a high one for felines.